

Since Ardnamurchan High opened its doors in August 2002, we have been a community school with a real focus on meeting a wide range of educational needs incorporating partnership with the West Highland College and community links wherever possible. Partners and staff work hard to be provide flexible learning opportunities, nearly always involving small classes with;  supported self-study options, video links with college or partner schools, extended work placement learning experiences for senior pupils, and above all,  flexible accommodation of individuals in classes to meet learner’s needs.  Our senior phase choice structure is always pupil led.

We believe that learning should be challenging and enjoyable. We believe in respecting each other and helping our young people to develop positive attitudes as responsible citizens and effective contributors to the school ethos. We encourage all learners to do their best as confident individuals and successful learners.

This school was founded upon the principle of parity between English and Gaelic and there is a rich culture and history associated with this area. As such, Gaelic is encouraged and integrated wherever possible and our Gaelic Medium provision provides continuity from primary for those entitled to progression and development in their own language.

We are very proud of our school and of our pupils and we firmly believe that Ardnamurchan High School is a superb place to be.

C Millar-Craig

O dh’fhosgail na dorsan ann an 2002, tha Àrd Sgoil Aird nam Murchan air a bhith na sgoil coimhearsnachd a tha ag amas a bhith a’ coileanadh feumlachdan foghlaim agus ceanglaichean coimhearsnachd agus Colaiste na Gàidhealtachd an Iar.

Tha sinn a’ creidsinn gum bu chòir dha ionnsachadh a bhith tlachdmhòr agus dùbhlanach. Tha sinn a’ creidsinn gu bheil e cudromach meas a thoirt do chàch a chèile agus taic a thoirt don chloinn airson a bhith nan luchd-ionnsachaidh shoirbheachail, com-pàirtichean èifeachdach, daoine misneachail agus saoranaich ciallach.

Chaidh an sgoil seo a steidheachadh le co-ionnannachd eadar Gàidhlig ‘s Beurla aig a cridhe agus tha beairteas de chultur agus de dh’eachdraidh co-cheangailte ris an sgìre seo. Mar sin, thèid a’ Ghàidhlig a’ brosnachadh cho fad’ ‘s a ghabhas agus bidh FTMG againn a’ toirt leantainneachd do na sgoilearan bho na bun sgoiltean far an robh iad air an teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.

Tha mi glè mhoitèil às an sgoil agus às na sgoilearan againn agus thathar gu mòr a’creidsinn gur e sàr-àite foghlaim a th’ann an Àrd-Sgoil Aird nam Murchan.

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Acharacle Primary SchoolOne of our associated school partners
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