13 November 2013
Visit to Sabhal Mor Ostaig

Turas gu Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

Bha na sgoilearan ann an S5/6 a tha a’ dèanamh Gàidhlig air turas dhan cholaiste Ghàidhlig anns an Eilein Sgitheanach o chionn ghoirid. Dh’ ionnsaich iad mu na cùrsaichean a tha air an tabhainn, mu na feumalachdan a thaobh teisteanasan sgoile agus mu bheatha nan oileanach. Choinnich sinn ri seann sgoilearan as an sgire cuideachd. Bha seo feumail don a h-uile duine agus tha cuid air ùidh a shealltainn ann a bhith a’ dol dhan cholaiste nuair a tha iad deiseil san sgoil.

Senior trip to Gaelic college Open day.

A large group of senior pupils recently visited Sabhal Mòr Ostaig ( the Gaelic F.E college in Skye) where they found out about the courses on offer there, student life and the requirements for entry. All pupils found the day useful and several have expressed an interest in attending when they leave school. We also met several former pupils from AHS who are studying there now which was fun !

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